
An Ode to the Canadian Healthcare System

I created this website as a tribute to the many professionals in the Canadian Healthcare System who do amazing work, and yet get little recognition for their efforts. I am not one who is a chronic patient, but the few times I was admitted to the hospital in BC, and the numerous doctors and staff I was fortunate to cross paths with, my experience has been nothing short of exemplary.

At times I hear complaints about our healthcare system, but I’m here to tell you it is thriving, better than most of the world, and very much underappreciated. As you read my story, take note of the care providers who have been there at every step while I made my way through two open-heart surgeries. They are the true heroes of the modern day medical industry.

From the care of my GP, Dr. Hudon, to the Cardiac Surgeon’s Dr. Poostizadeh and Dr. Wong, to the many and all other cardiologists, doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, and supporting staff who have taken care of and kept my heart beating for so long, this website is my way of thanks for doing some pretty damn amazing work!

P.S. Is there any 'Double Open-Heart Surgery' clubs out there? With my qualifications, I’m pretty sure I’m at least an honorary member...